The game has now gone offline for PC Rainbow Six Siege players, but should still be available for anyone on Xbox One or PS4.

As per our previous post, this is so Ubisoft can begin deploying Patch 4.1 and 60 Hz servers.

Downtime is expected to be completed by 10AM EST / 3PM GMT, at which point downtime should begin for PS4 users.

It's also worth noting as with any scheduled maintenance, for any game, these updates can sometimes take a little bit longer and as such Scheduled Maintenance can sometimes be extended.

Stay tuned for updates!

ORIGINAL STORY - Rainbow Six Siege will be down this afternoon as the result of the Ubisoft team doing some important server maintenance.

A tweet from the games official Twitter account has announced that Ubisoft will be performing the scheduled maintenance on December 14th, and will be offline at the following times:

PC: 9:00-10:00am EST / 14:00-15:00 GMTPS4: 10:00-11:00am EST / 15:00-16:00 GMTXB1 11:00-12:00pm EST / 16:00-17:00 GMT

During the maintenance, Ubisoft is bringing in Patch 4.1 and 60 Hz servers.

"Following our testing of the 60hz servers towards the end of the White Noise TTS, we were able to confirm that it is now stable enough to deploy live on all platforms with 4.1," writes Ubisoft on its reddit update page.

"We are excited to fulfill this promise made during Operation Health, and look forward to your feedback."

You can read the full patch notes online.

• Fixed – Players lose all functionality/control after picking up a deployable shield.• Fixed – Ash’s breaching round does not break the wall in 2F Meeting Room on Tower.• Fixed – When a dead Operator is spectating a teammate while on their drone/camera, cycling through Support view modes (drone/camera and Operator views) a third option is available. This view is the First Person point of view of the operator, but the operator is invisible. If the living Operator leaves their camera/drone, the spectating Operator will see a floating gun.• Fixed – Dokkaebi’s gadget is not usable while rappelling.• Fixed – Zofia and Ela’s stats are inverted.